July 5, 2022

How does Psychotherapy work? - My personal model

Read about online therapy and Camilo's personal model to practice psychotherapy. 4 stages are described to cope with mental health problems.

March 15, 2022

Achieving your goals: a student case brief review

The next short story is a real case situation, authorized to be shared to illustrate how is it like to have some help to overcome life challenges...

February 17, 2022

Online Psychotherapy: from the therapist's perspective

How does online therapy looks like? Check how clients go through online therapy since the first contact until the last to have an idea of what to expect if you decide to start online therapy

March 13, 2021

Why it’s important NOT to feel good

Regardless of our situation, disappointment is a part of life. We will be criticized, have heartbreaks, get fired, need more money, fail or lose people we love...

March 13, 2021

The basics of CBT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT, also known as cognitive therapy) is a specific type of brief therapy that has proven to be effective in treating different kinds of mental illness related to anxiety and depression across cultures...

December 29, 2020

Why do I keep repeating the same mistakes? Reflecting from attachment theory.

It’s very common to hear people blaming their parents for their psychological problems...

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